Thursday 23 May 2013

| Do People Kiss in the Street? |

A friend I worked with had moved from France to Australia. Her partner came to Australia first for a few months to test the waters. 

When he had reported back that he thought it would be a good move, my friend asked her partner these three questions, in order:

- Do people kiss in the street?

- Is there good wine?
- Is there good cheese?

When I asked her what she had meant by that first question, she explained that it was important to her that they live somewhere where people can hold hands and be affectionate and openly romantic and happy in public. 

Isn't this such an important thing to consider, but definitely something that people take for granted, I know I do.

I especially like that the second and third question were about wine and cheese, something equally as important!

14 years later and they're still living here.

(Image via)

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